Friday, October 21, 2011

Beauty Sleep, and Catching Cockroaches

 Kasey and I decided we wanted to watch a movie together. We have not spend much quality time together because of my first enemy, school. About 2 minutes into the movie, he was out!
 Now to face my second enemy, Cockroaches. We have so many and I cant seem to get ride of them. I have been telling my mom about them but I decided I wanted to show her so she understood how picked on I am. So I decided to try and capture this nasty little things on film. So I set out  bait or in other words a marshmallow and waited for them to come. And oh did they come! (yes I was a little bored today)
Okay so only one managed to make it to the party. He was so fast I could not get a picture of him. But you can kinda see how big he is, and now you know I am not making this stuff up. If you have any ideas how to get ride of these things let me know because they are really freaking me out!

1 comment:

  1. grrrrrross! that is sick JoEll. I am sorry. You poor thing! And I agree with you about Laundromats. You should come do your laundry at my house! I love the picture of Kasey asleep 5 mins into the movie- must have been a chick flick. :) hehe
