I just have to shake my head and laugh. I am sorry but our neighbors are the worst at parking. I mean come on all of these pictures are in one parking lot, but then again maybe I am the dumb one. They have a pretty good situation.
If there is no parking spots just park on the side walk, you cant get any closer than that right.
You have the option of either taking just enough of two spots that no one else can fit.
Or you can park right in the middle. They have the right idea I will never be doored again. My neighbors are fooling us all, they may look like they cant park but they know the true way to get the best parking. Oh the things I have learned out here in Iowa.
Wow, you have some really considerate neighbors! Why only take up one parking spot when you can take up two? I kind of secretly hope they saw you taking pics of their cars. Then they would start to wonder and wondering would lead to guilt and guilt would lead to being a better parker? I don't know. Those silly people.